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  • Attention any and all Terramar Middle School students! Do you like to sing jazz, pop, or musicals? This group meets before school on Tuesdays & Fridays, 7:30-8:00 AM. Our first meeting of the New Year is January 5th, 2024 in the choir room (707).


    Do I have to be in the Titan Choir to be in the Choir Club? 
    No, you do not have to be in Titan Choir to be in the Choir Club. Sign-up, show-up, & sing!

    What if I am already in the Titan Choir?
    That's amazing! Sign-up to sing even more & bring a friend!

    Do Choir Club members have concert performances?
    Choir club members will perform select songs with the Titan Choir for Terramar School concerts. We will also have opportunities to sing for community events and assemblies. Click on the Concerts & Events tab for more information.

    What are the perks to being in both the Titan Choir and the Choir Club?
    More singing fun! Plus, only the Titan Choir members are eligible to be a part of honor choirs and the choir council. Choir Club is the perfect time to work on these endeavors and practice extra for contests, special ensembles, or solos! 

    See you at Choir Club!