Online Learning Looks Different than Traditional Learning

Canvas Parent Orientation Course
  • Click here to access the "Create a Parent Account for Canvas" document.

    Click here to access the "Create a Student Pairing Code" document.

    Click here to access the district Instructional Technology page.



  • The online classroom looks and functions differently than the traditional, in-person classroom. In the online classroom, students take on a new level of responsibility for their learning. Students become responsible for planning out their weekly school schedule and executing it. I will provide weekly pacing calendars that include upcoming DUE/ CLOSE dates (found in Canvas), however, there will not be additional reminders for students to submit work. As the course is asynchronous, students need to communicate with me when they have concerns or questions. Communication is done through the Canvas messaging system or through school email. Periodic open Zoom hours are offered and students are highly encouraged to attend.

    Suggestions for Supporting Your Online Learner 

      • Create a parent observer account in Canvas.
        • What is the benefit of being an observer?  A few reasons: cheer Snoopy

          1. You can check in on your student’s progress frequently using your own password.
          2. You can see the assignments (not just the grades) that students are being asked to do.
          3. You will receive all the communications that I send to students through the Canvas messaging system. This will be the only way that I send group messages to students and parents.
          4. You can  so my messages go through Canvas, but end up in your personal email. You can reply to me from your personal email and it will go back into the Canvas messaging system to reach me.  You will not need to worry about checking into Canvas for messages after you set this up.
      • Print the DUE/ CLOSE date calendar (found on the Canvas course homepage) and keep it handy so that IF your student misses a DUE date, you can help them to get their missing work in by the CLOSE date and still receive points.