• 好色导航Pathways World History is an "in-person" learning experience.

    Students are expected to arrive on time with a fully charged iPad or Chromebook.  Please bring a charger or portable charger to ensure access to your course.

    Students are encouraged to ask questions, participate in discussions, and complete assignments daily prior to the end of our class.  We meet Monday - Friday, from 3:45-7:15 at Boulder Creek High School.


    Be Present, Be Prepared, and Be Polite


    From Me:

    • Emails: Answered within 24-48 hours at the latest. Please give me at least that amount of time, and if I do not answer you, please send me another emails

    From Parents

    • Canvas:  Most or all of the assignments that kids will need will be available on Canvas, and easy for you to print if the copy is lost. In addition, please keep up with assignments on Canvas or through my agenda posted every day for the students.

    From Students

    • Participation: Willing and able to participate during Instruction, stations, and activities.
    • Positive Mindset: Have a positive mindset going into the day and know that I am here for you and for your success, not your failure.
    • No Excuses: This is a condensed course and all assignments need to be completed on time.