• Below are some of the policies and procedures of my class.  I look forward to working with you and your child.

    Contact Information

         The best way to reach me is by e-mail or phone.  My e-mail address is sara.marano@dvusd.org.  My phone number is (602) 467-5770.  If you call during school hours, it will go to voicemail.  If it is an emergency or you need to get an important message to your child, please call the office, (602) 467-5700.  There are many times during the late afternoon that I don’t notice I have a message and a parent may need to change a pick-up arrangement.  Please call the office after 12:00 to make sure we get the message.  Also, you may write me note, and place it in your child’s folder.  I check folders every morning.


          We will have math homework sheet every night, Mon.-Thurs.  There is no homework over the weekend.  Please assist your child with this sheet and help them get in the habit of doing this every night.  It is very important that your child bring their folder to and from school every day.  I tell all the students at the end of the day to take out their folder and put it in their backpack.  Please help them remember to bring it back each day.

       In addition to math homework, there will be a spelling list sent home every Monday.  We will have 30 words a week.  There will be a practice test on Thursdays and a final spelling test on Fridays.

       Reading every night will be part of your child's homework. Your child will have a Reading Choice board to complete with their library book each week. 

    Parent Collaboration

         I hope that you will become my partner in helping your child to succeed this school year. In order to help your child do this, I will be sending home regular communication, in the form of a weekly classroom newsletter via email. The best way to stay informed is to go through your child’s Take 好色导航 Folder with them every day.  By taking the time each day to complete homework, go through the folder contents and read together, you will show how much you value their learning experiences.  Each day you should work on some sort of homework.  Be sure to help your child remember to return their Take 好色导航 Folder to school every day.  This is a very important habit to get into.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you to make sure your child has a successful year in 2nd grade.

    Parent Volunteers

         I always welcome parent volunteers in my classroom. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know. I will send out more information about parent volunteers, once we ready.


          I use a clip chart in class to help the students manage their behavior.  Every child begins the day on "Ready to Learn".  Students each have their own clip and throughout the day they will clip up and down based on their behavior. The clip chart is meant to be very fluid. Your child's clip will move up and down the clip chart throughout the day depending on their behavior.  Students who are demonstrating good behavior, will clip up. I try to have as many students as possible clip up as a reward for their behavior.  If a student ends their day on "STAR Student", they will receive 5 Dojo points and will pick something from the treasure box. 

         If a child is having trouble controlling their behavior, they will have to clip down on the behavior chart.  If a child clips down to "Parent Contact" at any point in the day OR ends their day on "Parent Contact", I will make contact with you to discuss your child's choices.

      The school also has Hawk Bucks as a reward system.  Our class will also use Class Dojo for positive reinforcement. Class Dojo points will transfer over as Hawk Bucks. I will not be handing out paper Hawk Bucks, your child's Dojo points will transfer over as their Hawk Bucks. When your child earns Dojo Points you will receive a notification from Class Dojo. It is important that you sign up with Class Dojo, in order to monitor your child's behavior. 


        Last, I would like to cover some general rules of second grade.  We ask that students not bring toys to school.  They are allowed to bring equipment to play with on the playground with (ex. basketballs, footballs).  Baseballs and bats are not allowed.  Students may bring water bottles to class.  Please DO NOT send your child with an oversized or rolling backpack. These tend to take up a lot of space and we don’t have any place to put them.  Please make sure lunchboxes and backpacks have your child’s name on them.  Also, if your child has a history of accidents, I would recommend putting in a change of clothes.  The nurse will not have a lot of extra clothes.   Thanks for your cooperation!!  I look forward to teaching your child.