1. My Class Expectations

    2. 1. Respect: Treat everyone in the classroom with respect, including the teacher and your peers. Listen actively when others are speaking, and be considerate in your interactions.

    3. 2. Punctuality: Arrive on time to class with all necessary materials and be prepared for the day's lesson. Being punctual shows responsibility and respect for the learning process.

    4. 3. Participation: Engage actively in class discussions and activities. Your input and involvement are essential for a dynamic and enriching learning experience.

    5. 4. Responsibility: Take ownership of your learning journey. Complete assignments on time, seek help when needed, and be accountable for your academic progress.

    6. 5. Open-mindedness: Embrace different perspectives and be willing to consider alternative viewpoints. Learning is a collaborative process, and we can all benefit from each other's ideas.
