• Gifted Identification

    Students are assessed in three areas (Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal) using the CogAT or NGAT assessment. Greenbrier offers gifted services for students who score at or above 89% in one or more areas. Placement testing is offered three times a year based on teacher and parent recommendation. Students may be tested once per year. You can sign your child up here: /giftedtesting.

    Gifted Placement 

    Cluster: Gifted students are clustered together in a classroom with a teacher trained to differentiate lessons for gifted learners. 

    SPARK (Supporting Potential & Achievement in Remarkable Kids): Qualified students are pulled out of class periodically for enrichment opportunities. 

    WUTM (Walk-Up To Math): Qualified students walk-up to a higher level math class to receive accelerated instruction.

    SAGE (Students in Academically Gifted Education): Qualified 6th grade students will receive 7th grade math instruction.