Choir Expectations

  • There will be REQUIRED and GRADED performances in Choir. These will be listed in the Syllabus Agreement given the first day of school. Please mark these on your calendar. The Agreement will need to be signed and turned in by Friday, August 9 for a grade.

    Diamondbacks Performance- September 27, 2024- TBD (optional performance)

    Fall Feeder Concert- September 30, 2024- (5:30 call time)7:00 performance at MRHS

    District Fall Pre-Assessment- October 2, 2024- at BGHS (during school hours)

    Veteran's Day Assembly- November 6, 2024 (during school hours)

    Terramar Winter Choir Concert- December 11, 2025- 6:30pm at TE

    District Spring Assessment- March 12, 2025- at BGHS (during school hours)

    Spring Feeder Concert- May 6, 2025- 7:00pm at MRHS

    Terramar Spring Concert- May 15, 2025- 6:30pm- at TE

    8th Grade Promotion- May 21, 2025- 3:45pm at MRHS




    Expectations: I will use the MUSIC acronym to help us lay a foundation for a positive experience in Choir.

    M- Make Good Choices

    U- Use Kind Words

    S- Speak or Sing when the Time is Right

    I- Involve Yourself

    C- Care for the People and Property Around You



    Please have the following items in class:

    1. Black 3-ring View Binder 
    2. Pencil Pouch
    3. 2 Pencils with Erasers
    4. Highlighter
    5. Water Bottle


    Choir Uniform:

    Students will be required to purchase a Terramar Choir T-shirt to wear to ALL performances. Students will wear a choir shirt with black from the waist down. (No shorts, cargo-type pants, short skirts, jeans or casual athletic shoes will be permitted.) Hair will need to be pulled back off of the face at all times.