• Resources for Student Use

    On this page students will have access to websites that are either required or supplemental. Descriptions of each site are included. 

  • Canvas - Students in grade 5-8 must use this site to upload various playing tests

    This tool is for students to keep a steady beat

    This tool is for students to double-check the intonation of the different notes on their instrument. It must have mic access in order this to work. 

    This website, while treble clef based, aims to give students ways to assist in learning music. There are many different tools here to assist with note ID, key signature ID, accidental decoding and much more!

    - Hover over 'lessons' and click 'theory/help' for assistance in learning your music (bass clef included!) Hover over Quizzes/Piano to find a ton of games to play.

    Music theory lessons to help you advance your musical knowledge! This includes the basics (time signatures, music staff) and advances in key signature knowledge. 

    This tool will help students understand musical terms found in their music. This is a great starting place and may not be 100% inclusive of all terms/symbols they need to know.