

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Townsend

Hello! My name is Mrs. Townsend and this is my eighth year in education. I previously taught at Sandra Day O'Connor High School before moving to teach with Aspire :)

I grew up in the Deer Valley District, going to Stetson Hills and O'Connor. After graduating, I went to Grand Canyon University and played volleyball there. During that time, I met my husband, Cole, and we have been married for seven years!

After getting married, Cole and I moved close to our parents' homes and started our own family!  We have a four-year-old daughter, Layla, a 2-year-old daughter, LaNee, and our newest baby girl, Evelyn, who was born in March! I enjoy hanging out with my family, going to the gym, playing volleyball, and baking!

I am extremely excited about meeting every single one of my students and starting on our journey this fall!