• Class Expectations

    1- Review your modules before our class zooms.

    2- Make lots of ugly pictures (yes...I mean that - it takes a lot of time and energy to improve art skills)

    3 - Turn work in on time!!!  Make sure you watch DUE dates and CLOSE dates.  Every assignment will stay open for two weeks after the due date to allow for corrections and resubmissions.

    3- Be kind and respectful (especially to yourself when you're making art)

    4- Don't be afraid to ask questions through Zoom or Canvas.  I am here for you and love it when you ask for help.

    5- Find a quiet area in your home, preferably with a table or desk of sorts. I also recommend using headphones and having a special space for you to be creative.

    How to Get Ready for Art Class! 

    Bring a sense of curiosity, hunger for learning, and patience. Having headphones, pencil, and paper with you for each lesson would be helpful. If any additional materials are needed, that lesson will tell you!

    1. Preview your weekly lessons BEFORE you log onto Zoom to prepare. Print out or have drawing guides ready to go!

    2. Find a space to work with all of your art materials readyEnsure you have your technology ready - Chromebooks charged, headphones working, and all materials needed for your lesson.

    3. Check your surroundings. You don't want to distract other family members in the room, they may also be working!

    4. Wear appropriate clothing, you are expected to be on the camera at all times for the duration of the Zoom class.

    Zoom Rules:

    1. Log in a few minutes before class so we can get started on time.
    2. When joining a video call, make sure your camera is ON and your microphone is off.

    3. Use school-appropriate backgrounds. Everyone should have the opportunity to focus and be attentive and distracting backgrounds will not help.

    4. Make sure you raise your hand to ask a question, or you can type your question in the chat box.

    5. Talk as clearly as possible. Some devices or headphones do not have the best microphones, so it can sometimes be hard to understand if you don't speak clearly!

    6. Be kind and respectful online, on Zoom, and with your peers.

    Art at the "IC"

    Every Thursday, we open up the art space at Aspire for in-person art support from 1:00 pm -  3:30 pm

    Make sure you let Ms. G know you're coming (see Canvas for instructions on how to sign up).

    Always bring your charged Chromebook, your art project from the week, and any materials that you want to use.

    We always have basic art supplies available!

Last Modified on July 29, 2024