• Here is our schedule for the school year.  I encourage you to please schedule doctor and dentist appointments on early release Fridays after school if possible or during our breaks.  If you know your child will be out, you can contact me prior to find out what assignments your child will need to make up or if we have any assessments that will take place.

    Daily Schedule: M-TH

    8:45-9:30 Specials

    9:30-10:15 Reading  

    10:15-10:45 Tier 3/Read 180

    10:45-11:15 Writing

    11:15-11:40 Lunch Recess

    11:40-12:00 Lunch

    12:00-12:25 RTI (reading/writing)

    12:25-1:20 Math  

    1:20- 1:45 Tier 3 Math/Math 180

    1:45-2:00 2nd Recess

    2:00-2:45 Social Studies

    2:45-3:30 Science

    3:30  Dismissal


    Daily Schedule: Fridays (early dismissal)

    8:45-9:30 Specials

    9:30-10:15 Reading  

    10:15-10:45 Tier 3/Read 180

    10:45-11:15 Writing

    11:15-11:35 Lunch Recess

    12:00-12:25 RTI (reading/writing)

    12:25-1:25  Math

    1:25-1:45   Tier 3 Math/Math 180

    1:45-2:00   Social Studies (class council)