• Syllabus

    7th/8th Grade Language Arts Course Syllabus

    Mrs. Claudine Tellez


    623 376-3350

    Course Description:

    This course is an introduction to literature and technical reading.  Students will examine and apply composition formats to real life experiences.  Literary and non-fiction pieces, writing, speaking, listening and vocabulary will be integrated throughout the course of study.  This course is aligned with the district and and supports the school wide efforts of increasing student achievement.

    IEP Goals:

    All students will work on IEP goals appropriate to this class (ELA) as well as any executive function/beharioal goals.

    Required Textbook:

    StudySync - computer based text with no books needed - personal WIRED headphones highly recommended

    District Approved Novels include, but are not limited to:

    To be determined

    School Motto: Responsible - Respectful - Ready for the Future  All students are expected to be good citizens, respectful and caring of classmates, staff and materials.  Students are also expected to put forth their very best effort by being responsible.  Students should also feel free to express their ideas within socially acceptable norms.  Our combined goal is to prepare students for a successful school experience.


    • #2 pencils (mechanical pencils are fine)

    • Three highlighters (preferably different colors)

    • Donations to the class of Kleenex 

    • Personal WIRED headphones to be kept at school/in backpack - headphones will be provided for those that do not bring their own

    Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success.  This list represents optional, supplementary items, which may be supplied at your discretion.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.”


    Deer Valley Unified School District will employ two grade scales to calculate grades using a traditional averaging calculation method. One grade scale will be used to report proficiency of the standards and the other will be used to calculate the overall grade. Students will receive marks for their overall performance in each course of study using the traditional letter grade scale (A-F). Assignments will be sorted into these three categories within the grade book. 

    ● Assessment (80%) 

    ● Coursework (20%) 

    ● Practice (0%) 

    All grade book entries in the "Assessment" category will have at least one standard tagged and scored. Scores will be reported as 4 - Highly Proficient, 3 - Proficient, 2- Partially Proficient, 1 - Minimally Proficient, and NE (No Evidence/Missing). 

    Assessment Clarification: Students may be permitted to retake assessments only if all work has been completed for that unit. If they need to retake, they must submit any missing assignments for that unit. The student must retake this assessment within 10 days of the original score being handed back. 

    Missing Work: Any missing assignment will be put into the grade book as 0% and missing. No evidence (NE) will be attached to the standards if applicable. At the end of the grading period, these missing assignment grades will be changed to 49% 

    Late Work: Students are able to submit late work without penalty if it meets the following parameters: 

    ● Assignment is not due within the class period 

    ● Assignment is not a Long-Term assignment (over multiple weeks) 

    ● Assignment is turned in within 10 days of the end of an instructional unit.


    3-12 Grade Scale

    Students in 3rd through 12th grades will receive marks for their proficiency toward the grade level standards using the following scale.

    4 = Highly Proficient

    3 = Proficient

    2 = Partially Proficient

    1 = Minimally Proficient

    Students in 3rd through 12th grades will receive marks for their overall performance in each course of study using the following letter grade scale.

    A =  90-100% 

    B =  80-89%

    C =  70-79%

    D =  60-69%

    F =   0-59%

    Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools in Grades K-8 

    Artificial Intelligence

    In the Deer Valley Unified School District, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education while ensuring their safety, privacy, and well-being. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance learning experiences, teachers may incorporate generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom for students. 

    Students must adhere to the specific guidelines provided in the assignment details. If no guidance around the use of generative AI is provided, students should follow the “restrictive” level (see chart). Teachers should direct students to contact their teacher before submitting classwork if the student is unsure if the tool or website they are using is permitted on a specific assignment.


    Progress Reports:

    The PowerSchool site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades and attendance.  It is highly recommended that BOTH students and parents monitor grades and assignments, etc. and express concerns if they arise.  It is the expectation that grades will be posted within a week of the assignment being turned in; however, writing assignments will take longer.  IEP progress notes will be sent electronically when each quarter ends.


    The 好色导航Canvas application will be used on a daily basis.  The weekly schedule, assignments, announcements, etc. will be posted.  Parents can request access to their student’s Canvas account.

    SIT-B: Behavior:

    (The HMS school-wide prevention program)

    The behavior process is a multi-tiered approach to providing support to all learners at increasing levels of intervention.  At Hillcrest, that support includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviors.  Specific guidelines and consequences are outlined in the 好色导航Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook.  

    Progressive Behavior Interventions

    Step 1:  Universal Interventions (warning/redirection)

    Step 2:  Minor Incident Report with Interventions

    Step 3:  Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Email

    Step 4:  Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Phone Call

    Step 5:  Major Behavior Report


    When a student is absent, the student will need to check Canvas for missed work.  It is the student’s responsibility to get any paper assignments not on Canvas and turn in any work collected from the day he/she was absent and the missing work from the day(s) of absence.

    Cell Phone Policy:

    Unless otherwise stated, cell phones and headphones are turned off.  Phones will be stored in a wood rack by teacher’s desk.  Please note that your student will not have access to their phone unless there is a school emergency.  If a parent needs to get a hold of a student, please call the front office. This class is a safe environment and student’s take risks - phones have disrupted this safety in the past.

    1st Infraction: verbal warning

    2nd Infraction: parent contact and student conference

    3rd infraction: written minor infraction


    Academic Integrity Statement

    • To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means doing work that is entirely your own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through proper citation when you use their ideas or words.
      If you have questions about the guidelines for academic integrity, you should discuss them with your teacher.


    • Academic Dishonesty Statement

    • Academic dishonesty refers to any action that compromises the integrity of academic work or evaluation processes. This includes but is not limited to:  

      • Copying or stealing another person’s work or data (plagiarism);  

      • Allowing another person to copy one’s work;  

      • Doing another person’s classwork;  

      • Creating more than one copy of one’s work for distribution;  

      • Providing another person with the answers on tests or quizzes;   

      • Noncompliance with teachers’ test-taking procedures;

      • Unauthorized copying or development of software; and

      • Unauthorized use of generative Artificial Intelligence.

    Please sign the syllabus for Mrs. Tellez’s ELA class acknowledging that it has been read by student and parent/guardian by Friday, August 10th, 2024 or within 5 days of registration in class.  Thank you!


    ____________________________________________     ________________________

    Student signature         Date

    ____________________________________________     ________________________

    Parent/Guardian signature         Date