• Welcome to Hillcrest Middle School's

    Health Center!!


     School Nurse: Teresa Slone RN  




    The mission of the School Nurse is to help educate, protect and promote student health, facilitating a student's 

    optimal development and chances for academic success.


    HEALTH OFFICE hours are Monday - Friday 07:45am to 3:15pm.


    "School nurses play an essential role in keeping children healthy, safe and ready to learn. They support student success by providing health care through assessment, intervention, and follow-up for all children within the school setting. The school nurse also addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students and supports their achievement in the learning process." ~ National Association of School Nurses


    The Health Office provides on-campus health screenings, assessments and health education, as well as first-aid and nursing care for students and staff. The Health Office is NOT A PRIMARY CARE FACILITY OR URGENT CARE. BY law, the nurse is not allowed to make a medical diagnosis, prescribe treatments or medications. When accidents or illness occur during school hours, basic first-aid and/or emergency care will be given according to the Az State Board of Nursing standards and practices. The nurse may suggest further medical follow-up in certain circumstances. Further care and follow up is the responsibility of the parents.

     For any questions or concerns, please contact me at 623-376-3310. You may also e-mail me Teresa.Slone@dvusd.org.    

    Any messages or emails left/sent Monday through Friday by 3:00pm will be returned within 24 hours. I can usually respond the same day, but please know that I will get back to you within 24 hours. If a message/email is left after 3:00pm on Friday, I will get back to you on Monday morning.   


    Parent and Emergency Contacts/Health History Form:

    Parents are required to complete an Emergency Contact and Health History Form for each of their children every year. PLEASE ensure that all contact information is accurate and correct for parental and emergency contacts. These forms contain vital information should your child become ill or injured at school. It also provides the school nurse with a brief insight into any medical conditions your child may have that could affect them while at school. So please be sure to accurately document any medical condition/s in this form and alert the Health Center if there are any changes in your child's health condition, so changes/updates can be made in their medical file. Please also be sure to notify the school of any changes in address or phone number so that updates can be made to your child's record. Students will only be released to those persons indicated on this form and a Photo ID is required to pick up any child during the school day.


    **Please program the Health Office phone number (623-376-3310) into your contacts! When you see that incoming number, please answer your phone. Please also ensure that your voicemail is activated and not full so that I can leave you a message in the event that I need to reach you.**


    **All ill children MUST be picked up from school within 1 hour of the illness being detected and parent/guardian being called.  Please ensure to list accurate contact information on several other people (outside the parents) on the Emergency Contact Form that may pick up student, in the event that a parent/guardian is unable to pick their child up.**


    Screenings Conducted at School:   7th Grade screening will be on September 25th & 26th, 2024

    Hearing and vision screenings are done on all students that are new to the district, all students who receive services through the special education department and, starting in 2019, all seventh grade students. Parents and teachers may also request a screening for any student at any time when a concern arises. Vision referral letters are sent home to notify parents if the student has difficulties with any portion of the screening. Students who have difficulty with an initial hearing screening will be retested within 30 days. If a student still has difficulties with the hearing screening, the student will be referred to an audiologist. Parents will be notified by a referral letter regarding their child's hearing difficulties. We do have a district audiologist that will see students at no cost to the parents. Their contact information will be on the referral letter.