• 9/11 Education Day

    • On 9/11 education day, each public school in this state shall dedicate a portion of the school day to age-appropriate education on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The state board of education may develop policies or adopt rules to carry out this section.

        • If 9/11 Education Day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or other day when a public school is not in session, the preceding or following school day shall be observed in the public school as the holiday.


    •   - ADE does not endorse or support any particular resource or curriculum. The following links are to resource options that local education agencies may choose and select from when making the best decisions for their students

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    Suggested Grade Level Lessons Shared in the Past - so you do not have to search

    • Kinder - 2nd

      • Kinder - Book Read: The Little Chapel That Stood - This beautifully illustrated book tells of the historic chapel less than 100 yards from the Twin Towers that miraculously survived on 9-11. Firemen hung their shoes on the fence and raced to help the people in the towers: Oh what gallant men did we lose/Who never came back to get their shoes. The story of terror overcome by courage and bravery teaches us that no one is too small to make a difference. OR The Survivor Tree -

      • 1st Grade - Book Read: September Roses - On September 11, 2001, two sisters from South Africa are flying to New York City with 2,400 roses to be displayed at a flower show. As their plane approaches the airport, a cloud of black smoke billows over the Manhattan skyline. When they land, they learn of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. All flights are canceled; the sisters cannot go home, and they are stranded with boxes and boxes of roses. In the days that followed September 11, Jeanette Winter was drawn to Union Square and saw, among the hundreds of memorial offerings, twin towers made of roses. In the pages of this small and vibrant book, she tells a moving story.

      • 2nd Grade  Book Read: 14 Cows For America - This New York Times Bestseller, from award-winning author Carmen Agra Deedy, is a true story of hope and generosity and the gift a small Kenyan village makes to the people of America. Grades 2 and above.

    • 3rd - 5th

      • 3rd Grade - Read Fireboat - The Story of the John J. Harvey - The John J. Harvey fireboat was the largest, fastest, shiniest fireboat of its time, but by 1995, the city didn’t need old fireboats anymore. So Harvey retired until a group of friends decided to save it from the scrap heap. Then, one sunny September day in 2001, something so horrible happened that the whole world shook. And a call came from the fire department, asking if the Harvey could battle the roaring flames. In this inspiring true story, Maira Kalman brings a New York City icon to life and proves that old heroes never die.

      • 4th Grade - Memorializing 9/11 -

      • 5th Grade - History of the World Trade Center -


    • 6th - 8th

      • 6th Grade - Repercussions of 9/11 |

      • 7th Grade  - Memorializing 9/11 -

      • 8th Grade

        • This lesson is from PBS Newshour classroom and contains many options to choose how to reflect with your students. Teachers know the level of maturity of their students for the year, so please preview the videos & topics for your and your students' level of comfort in discussions.

    • High School

      • Repercussions of 9/11 -

      • Repercussions of 9/11 -

      • Memorializing 9/11 -

      • Repercussions of 9/11 -

      • Repercussions of 9/11 -

      • Antecedents of 9/11 -