Contact Info

  • Mr. Z can be reached at


  • Arrowhead Panthers Band!

    Hello! This is David Zapotocky, your Band Director! I will be adding more material to this page in the coming weeks.

    Beginning Band for 5th Grade and Advanced Band for 6th Grade will begin during the week of Monday, August 19th. 

    If your student is interested in joining Band please read through the attached Band Handbook for your student's grade level and complete the permission slip. In order for your student to be registered for Band, forms need to be turned in by August 16th. The Band Club for 5th and 6th Grade will begin during the week of August 26th. It will be meeting in the mornings from 7:30-8:15 AM.

    I want to be sure everyone knows that the Instrument Rental Night will be on Tuesday, August 13, 5:00-6:00pm in the Band Room.

    Students can get the instruments, books, and any other materials and accessories needed for the class.

    The people from Music & Arts will also set up an area for students to try out instruments.

    It will be a fun night and a good time to meet and chat!

    Thank you and more to come!

    Mr. Zapotocky (Mr. Z is just fine!)