• Hello Bobcat Families!   

    After I retired in 2018, I came to Copper Creek as a substitute and fell in love with the staff, students and parent community. The next school year will mark the sixth year of my “unretirement”, so I guess that I really LOVE Copper Creek! I want you to know that it is my absolute privilege to be entrusted with the medical care of your children during the school day.

    I have been a registered nurse for 45 years. Prior to my career in school health, I was an emergency room, OB and psychiatric nurse. I have been in school health and public education for 38 years, 20 of which have been in Deer Valley. Although my school health experience has been in high school, middle and elementary schools, my favorite place is with the “littles” and I take your trust in their care very seriously.

    More About Me Personally:

    My husband Joe and I have been married for 45 years. We have two married children, three grandchildren and four grand dogs ? At school I am known by students as “Nurse Sara” but at home, it’s “Grammy” and at our house, it’s all about board games, the pool, baseball or football and our faith.

    I’m also a travel bug who still has 5 states to go before I’ve been to all 50.  The only thing that I like better than taking a trip, is planning one! We camp, we cruise and we love a great road trip.

    Hopefully, you know me a bit better now.  My door is always open to parents regarding questions or concerns about your child’s health, or just to say hello!


    "This is Nurse Sara. May I help you?"

    Sara Mihaljevich, RN School Nurse

