

Degrees and Certifications:

BA, Elementary Education, Augustana College M.Ed, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Illinois Endorsements: Early Childhood, Library Media Specialist, Gifted Provisional, ELL

Mrs. Rodriguez

Hello!  My name is Beth Rodriguez, and I am the 3-6 grade Gifted Teacher at Sunset Ridge.  This will be my 30th year teaching elementary school, but my FIRST as a SAGE/Gifted teacher!  In my 30 years, I have taught every grade K-5, but most of my career has been in 3rd and 4th grades.  

I was born and raised in East Central Illinois, where I come from a family of educators.  My Mom was an elementary PE teacher her entire career, my Dad was a high school administrator before moving to university level administration, and even my GREAT grandfather was a teacher, principal, and superintendent of his rural community school.  

I have been married to my husband, Eddie, for 26 years.  He is a high school counselor in DVUSD.  We have a son, Eric, who is a senior at the University of Arizona (BEAR DOWN!) majoring in Sports Management and Marketing.  We love sports, especially basketball!  We also enjoy swimming, playing games, country music concerts, and attending -- you guessed it -- sporting events around the Valley.

Looking forward to a great year!