•  kids2
    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  We are excited for a fun year of learning!   Please see your child's teacher's page for specific information.

    What your child will learn in 2nd Grade

    Reading - 

    • Gain deeper understanding of reading comprehension.
    • Analyze text to find answers to questions.
    • Read with fluency - the end of the year goal is 100 words per minute.
    • Genre studies - read varying texts for varying purposes.

    Writing - 

    • Write a complete sentence with proper punctuation and capitalization.
    • Write a paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details.
    • Write for different purposes: informational writing, persuasive writing and narrative writing.  
    • Present written work to an audience.

    Math - 

    • Add and subtract within 1000 with and without regrouping.
    • Work with time and money.
    • Understand place value. 
    • Measure to the nearest inch and centimeter.
    • Reason with shapes and their attributes.

    Science - 

    • Discover three types of matter.
    • Explore the earth and sky.
    • Understand how weather affects our lives.

    Social Studies - 

    • Explore the community around us.
    • Discover the importance of shared power and the three branches of government
    • Describe the influence of history makers throughout our country
    • Understand basic economic principles including needs, wants, spending and saving



    Please click here for curriculum videos