Title I Staff

Staff Member Position E-mail Phone
Benner, Jolie Parent Liason jolie.benner@dvusd.org 602-467-6508
Loper, Maxwell Title I Reading Specialist maxwell.loper@dvusd.org 602-467-6554
Wolf, Cynthia Title I Math Specialist cynthia.wolf@dvusd.org 602-467-6547
Abbott, Laurel Title I Instructional Coach laurel.abbott@dvusd.org 602-467-6568

Campus Programs

  • Read 180 - READ 180, the most effective reading intervention program, is a comprehensive system of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development proven to raise reading achievement for struggling readers in grades 4–12+
    Bolt Closet - Is a donation program that helps families that need a little extra help.  It provides gently use clothing and/or household items to those who need it.  For more information contact Jolie.Benner@dvusd.org
    Top 20 - A program the works to empower youth and adults to make a positive difference in the quality of their lives, relationships and experiences. For more information contact AnnMarie.Champion@dvusd.org
    Tutoring - Students are given extra help with their academics after school via Zoom.  Click on the link to see the tutoring schedule. /Page/83928
    RTIB -  Response to Intervention Behavior is defined as “the practice of providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals, and applying child response data to important educational decisions”.  For more information contact AnnMarie.Champion@dvusd.org