• Birds
    This year is my 22nd year teaching at Mountain Ridge; however, I have been involved with Ridge since 1995 because I was in the very first graduating class to attend all four years. I currently teach English Language Arts 1-2 Honors/Gifted and AP Seminar Gifted.
    I graduated from Arizona State University and fully support those Sun Devils!
    Gifted education is a passion of mine, and I continue my own education by focusing on the needs and skills of gifted learners. This is my second year as a gifted coordinator here at Ridge. I have taught gifted classes for four years now.  I have completed my gifted endorsement and certification through the Arizona Department of Education. 
    Academic Decathlon is the club I am currently coaching. Academic Decathlon is a club where there is competitive focus on a topic in 10 areas (math, economics, art, music, social sciences, science, language and literature, speech, interview, and super quiz). Students compete in their acquisition of knowledge. This year the focus is technology and humanity. 
    This will be another amazing year at Mountain Ridge! I can't wait to be involved in the educational growth of another group of fantastic students!