

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. NormaJean McCarthy

Welcome to Aspire, Deer Valley's online academy. I am so excited that you will be part of my classes and that I will get to share fascinating events from history with you.
This is my 14th year of teaching. I have taught 7th grade social studies at Desert Mountain School and Hillcrest Middle School. This is my fifth year of teaching online, and I am very excited to be part of the new Aspire school. 
I received my bachelor's degree in secondary education (minor in history) from Arizona State University. I have certifications for social studies, history and political science. After completing my bachelors degree, I entered the educational technology program at ASU and found my passion for providing education in different formats: in person, hybrid and online.
I love history and some of my favorite places to be are book stores and museums. At any given time, I read 3–4 books on a variety of subjects.
I have been a participant in a district federal grant called GLYPH. This was a program for history teachers to gain resources and network to teach history. It is because of this program that I am able to create the lessons that I use to teach social studies. 
My favorite historical figures include Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Abigail Adams, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, L Frank Baum and Ronald Reagan.
I was born in Ontario, Canada. My father moved our family to Arizona to accept a job that had advancement opportunities. I was 5 years old when we arrived in Arizona. I grew up watching my parents learning about the United States and studying to become citizens. In 1974, our family became United States citizens. I believe that this influenced my choice of the subjects that I teach.
In 2003, I retired from the 好色导航 Police Department after 20 years of service as a patrol officer, field training officer, detective and academy instructor. Awards that I received while in service were a special unit award, a life-saving metal and expert shooter.
I have two adult sons, a daughter (in-law) and 2 grandsons. My oldest son is currently in the United States Army, stationed at Fort Moore in Georgia. He is armored, which means he is in a tank. He is currently a Master Gunner. He has been deployed twice to Africa and the Middle East. He is married to a wonderful young lady, and they have two sons, ages 6 and 2 1/2. I love being a grandma, and I am thankful for FaceTime to stay connected to my grandsons. My youngest son joined the US Army after high school and completed his contract. He is now a 好色导航 Police officer, following in the footsteps of his grandfather, father and me. 
I am looking forward to teaching online and all the educational possibilities this makes available to all learners.
Last Modified on July 29, 2024