
    Thes Fest Forms 2023

    Thes Fest Itinerary



    Thes Fest Reminders


    Must return all forms ASAP- a payment schedule can be arranged if needed.

    Please DO NOT staple forms together.  :)

    Document 1- Student Letter

    Document 2- School Permission Slip

    Document 3- Conduct Form

    Document 4- Thes Fest Permission Form


    Are your parents signing up to chaperone?  They will need this form.


    Background Check Form


    Letter and Conduct Form









    Feeling "Trapped?

    The Trap Door Society will be creating a 

    list of activities to do when you're feeling 'trapped" inside the house. Look for more ideas tomorrow!



    WEEKLY CHALLENGE-Week of 3/23

    "Don't be Stuck Under a Rock"


    Paint or Decorate a Pet Rock

    Once you're done, make it a name tag with its name and the artist's name.

    We'll post a "Family Rocks" photo at the end of next week.

    Photos due to Nardone by 3/27 via email with the subject ROCK




    Things to do if Your're Trapped


    Activity #1: MATILDA pics from pick up rehearsal- courtesy of the wonderful Vaisman family!

    Copy and paste the link into your browser.  :)



    Activity #2:

    Monologue Mania (from the publishers of Captain Bree)


    Activity #3:

    Build a Fort!  Read a good book inside or take a nap.


    Activity #4:

    Go fora walk or a hike.  Practice good social distancing and check with your parents, but the sunlight helps a lot!













    Thes Fest 2019

    PERMISSION SLIP- must return Thursday November 14th to attend!