• Course Title World History

    Instructor Kathleen Szczepaniak

    Room 304

    School Phone 602-467-6843

    School e-mail Kathleen.Szczepaniak@dvusd.org                




    Course Description:

    This course covers Arizona State Standards in World History and introduces students to history and geography and their relationship to economic, political, physical, social, and cultural aspects of early civilization to modern eras. This course is required for graduation. Students are required to complete a minimum of eight hours of community service for a non-profit organization and provide proper documentation and a written essay.


    This course is aligned with the Arizona State Standards which include the Common Core State Standards.


    Course Goals & Objectives:

    By the time the students complete this course of study they will know or be able to:

    • Demonstrate an understanding of family life, customs, and traditions of various cultures in the world.
    • Use geographic skills and perspectives to explain the past, present, and future.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of historical events in various regions of the world from the Greek and Roman cultures to the present.
    • Develop study skills, group skills, organizational skills, and problem solving.


    Course Materials:

     It is recommended that you come to class with the following materials every day:

    * 2 or 3 inch ring binder

    * Loose leaf notebook paper

    * Blue or black pen or pencil

    * Folder with pockets

    * Textbook(will be available online)


    Classroom/Course Expectations:

    Ø  Always be respectful and considerate of other people’s feelings and rights.

    Ø  Always come to class prepared and ready to work.

    Ø  Always give every task your best effort.

    Ø  Return all materials to the proper location at the end of each class.

    Ø  Pick up all trash and put it in the trash can.


    Electronic Devices:  Many students want to have the privilege of carrying electronic devices on campus. With that privilege comes the responsibility of ensuring that those items are not used on campus during class or on a bus. If students are found listening to music or texting in class or otherwise not fully engaged in learning, verbal warnings will be issued and written referrals for disruption of the educational process.  Misuse of electronic devices may result in disciplinary procedures in addition to the warnings and referrals.


    ID Card:  Student must visibly wear I.D. card at all times while on campus or at any school activity for the safety and security of all students.


    Consequences for not following the above guidelines may include the following:

    Parental contact

    Detention before and after school

    Immediate removal from class

    * Referral to the conduct office




    Grading Scale

    A         90-100%

    B          80-89%

    C          70-79%

    D         60-69%

    F          0-59%


    Assessment/ Summative       80%

    Coursework/Formative          20%

    Practice 0%

    Final Exams is part of Assessment Grade





    Test Retakes

    Students may retake quizzes and tests under the following circumstances:

    Every student has the opportunity to retake each test given in the school year. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a retake. Retakes must be scheduled within one week of the day the original test score was given to the student. The maximum score the student may receive on a retake exam will be a 70%

    This retake policy does not apply to District or teacher created semester exams.



    If a student is absent from class it is their responsibility to obtain the materials they missed upon their return to class. Any student who is swept and wants credit for an assignment that is due must turn in missed work into the teacher the same day as sweep. It is the responsibility of the student to get any assigned material on the same day as sweep and turned in on the assigned due date. If a student is absent or swept on the day they are to present to class, they will forfit the opportunity to earn credit for the presentation.


    Make-up Policy:

    Students who have an absence which is excused have one day for each day absent to turn in missed work.  Students who are marked unexcused will not receive credit for worked missed but will still receive feedback.  See the student handbook for more information regarding excused and unexcused absences.


    An assignment which is considered a long-term project is due on the due date and time as stated when the long-term project was assigned.  Long-term projects may be turned in prior to the due date as well as parent/guardian may turn in at the front desk.




    Cases of cheating and plagiarism will be handled on an individual basis at the teacher’s discretion, in accordance with the DVHS student handbook. While there are different ways to cheat or plagiarize, please be aware that activities such as sharing material, copying work, and posting information on the web are considered cheating. Those who give or receive answers will be held responsible for cheating.

    For some of the basic class assignments, please visit the website https://sites.google.com/site/9szczepaniak/ 


    For Full Syllabus, Please see Canvas Page.