• Hey Everyone,

    Class information will run through the "Canvas" platform once it opens.   

    Grades will run through the PowerSchools Gradebook only

    If you do not know about canvas, the school schedule or the school calendar, please see the MRHS Website for 1st Days of School Information.


     Suggested Materials needed for Algebra 1-2 & 1-2Honors:
    1.  For note-taking and classwork, 3 ring binder (1" inch or more) with "College ruled" Paper inserted inside.  If you already have a 3-ring binder that you use for other classes that is okay, but use a divider for your algebra section. 
    (Although 3 ring binders are preferred because handouts can be inserted with your notes, a thick Spiral Notebook will be okay for notes and homework too.)
    2.  Pencils (mechanical pencils are best), blue or black pen
    3.  Any Calculator will be a major assistance though most of the course, however I highly recommend getting a Graphing Calculator.  SAT tests, as well as other high stakes assessments, allow graphing calculators.  This year is a great time to get familiar with the graphing calculator for your future math career.  For those students who have them, they will be used often in class.  However, a calculator is NOT a mandatory item for the class & students do not need them to complete the course.
    The TEXAS INSTRUMENT TI-84 or TI-84+ is the Graphing calculator that I highly recommend purchasing at some point, the sooner the better.
    (Be aware that although the Casio Graphing Calculators are less expensive, they are not used in high school or college by nearly as many people when compared to the TI-84. In fact, our district software aligns with the TI-84, not the Casio). Students are NOT allowed to use the calculator on their cell phones during class. CALCULATORS ON Chromebooks may not be used in certain circumstances, such as tests.
    4.  Everyday bring your Charged, School-Issued Chromebook
    *An Extra item may be a battery charger & cord incase your Chromebook loses it's charge thoughout the day.  But again, it is not mandatory.
    -3 ring binder & Paper inserted in binder  (Or Spiral Notebook with paper)
    -Ti-84 Graphing Calculator recommended
    -charged Chromebook
    Again, Please Refer to your Canvas page for all information once Canvas is up and running.  
    Mr. Lopez

    Algebra Syllabus