

    From Nurse Debbie

    Arrowhead Elementary classrooms are currently designated as Nut Free. If there is a student with a Nut Allergy in a classrooms, an additional letter was sent home at the beginning of the school year explaining what this means. As we are into our second semester I would like to give you some reminder information to ensure the safety of all of our students when snacks and party treats are brought to school. Snacks or lunches containing nuts or foods processed in a factory with nuts, may be eaten in the cafeteria. A table is designated "Nut Free"  in the cafeteria for students who may require a table where no nuts are consumed.


    Please avoid snacks that contain peanuts, peanut flour, peanut oil, or peanut butter or other nuts. This includes snacks with almonds, coconuts, filberts, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nut, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts.

    Please note: Food labels/ingredients may change over time, so it is always recommended that you read the label before purchasing snacks. Please read labels carefully to make sure the products are nut free.

    This includes labels that read “May contain traces of peanuts/nuts” or “may be processed in a plant or on equipment that processes nuts”.

    Most local store bakeries that make cup cakes carry a disclaimer that says “made on machinery that processed nuts or nut products”. These cannot be brought into a Nut Free classroom.

    Suggestions for Nut Free Snacks and Treats, taken from SnackSafely.com, a monthly updated resource. Please still check the labels each time before purchasing any treat to be brought to school.

    Fruits/Veggies Hershey's Chocolate Kisses
    Drinkable yogurt or smoothies Jolly Rancher hard candy
    Kellogg’s brand Rice Krispies Treats-Original                                      Skittles
    Teddy Grahams Smarties
    Keebler Graham Bites Tootsie Rolls & Pops
    Special K Bar Twizzlers
    Oreo’s Popsicle
    Chips Ahoy Fudgesicles
    Snackwells Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs Dolly Madison Ice cream cups
    Popcorn Dole Fruit Bars

    Your teacher will have a more inclusive list. Please check with your teacher for other specific requirements or restrictions for their classroom. Ex: candy and popsicles are not considered a healthy snack for class snack time, just parties and special events like birthday or holiday parties.

    Thank you for your consideration and support in keeping the food-allergic child safe from having a life threatening allergic reaction at school.

    Resources:SnackSafely.com, The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network