


    7th Grade Language Arts/ Adv Language Arts

    Mr.Loper   RM: 303     Maxwell.Loper@dvusd.org   (602) 467-6551

    Class Description and Objectives:  During the school year we will be working diligently in Language Arts to cover a wide array of standards. A copy of these standards can be accessed on our district website. The areas we will cover will range from reading and analyzing the elements of literature, expository texts, poetry, vocabulary, functional texts, persuasive writings, and even several different novels. Of course we will also be incorporating writing into much of what we do in class on a daily basis. We will be composing essays, narratives, letters, and poetry.

    Text Book: Collections (Grade 7)    Textbook Website: my.hrw.com   Online Platform: Canvas

    Supplies**: On a daily basis students will need their school planner, an ample supply of pencils, erasers, blue/ black/red pens, a 1 ½ inch three-ring binder filled with college-ruled paper, four divided sections in their binder, student handbook, and a pleasure reading book. Students should keep their Google Chromebook and charger with them at all times.

    Donations of facial tissue, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes are always greatly appreciated

    **Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This list represents optional, supplementary items which you may supply, at your discretion.


    Classroom Expectations: Students should be on time, prepared for class, and respectful to all others in the classroom. Students should ask appropriate questions when they arise and listen when others are speaking. The use of cell phones and personal music devices is prohibited in the classroom unless special permission is given. Failure to follow any of these expectations will result in discipline ranging from verbal warnings, detentions, up to referrals to the office. All students have the right to learn and no student will impede that right.

    Assignments: Assigned work must be completed by the due date given. Late work will be accepted within a reasonable time period. Students will maintain contact with teacher about the progress of late work.

    Absent Work: Students are responsible to pick up absent work upon returning to school. In cases of long term absences, special arrangements will be made by the teacher.

    Grades: Grades will be updated weekly in the online Power Schools system. It is important that you and your student have access to their current grades in all classes. Students’ grades are divided into three main categories: Assessments 70%, Classwork 25%, and 好色导航work 5%. Report cards will be sent home at the end of the quarter (progress reports are now digital). Students may request a grade print out and a list of missing assignments from the teacher at an appropriate time during any class period.

    I’m looking forward to another amazing school year. Please feel free to contact me at any point if you have questions or concerns.




    Chromebook Expectations

    1. Chromebook and charger should be brought to school every day.


    1. Chromebooks are expected to be FULLY charged at the start of each day.


    1. Chromebooks remain in backpack until instructed to log in.


    1. Only use your assigned Chromebook


    1. No food or drinks on tables/desks when your Chromebook is out.


    1. Work on assignments for Language Arts only unless given permission.


    1. Report damage or malfunction to teacher/librarian immediately.


    1. If you are unsure how to…1. YOU try. 2. Ask tablemates. 3. Ask teacher.


    1. Log off when finished with your work.


    1. Computer games of ANY KIND/ non-academic websites are not permitted at any time.


    Failure to comply with these expectations will result in parent contact and school mandated consequences.