• Students who qualify for Gifted Services in Kindergarten - Second Grade are clustered in a classroom together.  Each teacher is Gifted Certified or working towards there certification.  Teachers differentiate  the needs of the gifted and receive training with other cluster teachers throughout the year.
    Third - Sixth Grade students receive replacement services in Math and/or Reading from the SAGE Teacher.  For more information regarding the SAGE program visit the Copper Creek SAGE website.

Copper Creek Gifted Services Team

Name Title e-mail Phone Website
Robyn Cohon SAGE Teacher/Gifted Specialist robyn.cohon@dvusd.org /cc-sage
Lisa Hoelzen Kindergarten Cluster Teacher lisa.hoelzen@dvusd.org /cc-hoelzen
Kristen Berk 1st Grade Cluster Teacher kristen.berk@dvusd.org /cc-berk
Colleen Imdorf 2nd Grade Cluster Teacher colleen.imdorf@dvusd.org /Page/21458#calendar186605/20220814/month
Heidi Dini Primary Itinerant Gifted Specialist Heidi.Dini@dvusd.org