Social Studies (specific)
    Weekly 3:00-4:00 with Ms. Kaczmarowski (See Ms. Kaczmarowski's website calendar for days)

    Gradebook:I use a “Mastery” grading system in which the student’s individual accomplishment in this class will substantiate the grade earned.  In this system, only those items that a student completed on her/his own will go toward the overall grade of progress.



    Exceeds:   87-100% Meets: 70-86% Approaches: 51-69%      Falls Below:  50%


    *NOTE:  The grades will appear normally on report cards and records in the following manner:

    A = 90-100% B = 80-89%

    C = 70-79%D = 60-69%

                                                                                                                                           F = 50-59%                 


     The lowest score for failed attempts is 50%.  If no attempt is made to answer a set of questions, a score of zero may be given. Tests may be made up or re-taken.


    Textbook: Creating America, published by McDouogal Litell.  

    Additional tutoring and links available at classzone.com