• The Constitution Elementary Library Media Center (LMC) collection consists of more than 10,000 items available to students, staff and parents. Additionally, the LMC has 2 computers for looking up books. A View Board and other presentation equipment are available for use by staff members.

    The LMC is open daily
    8:00-3:45 for staff
    8:30-3:45 for students and parents


    Students visiting the LMC must have a pass from a teacher, and need to sign in and sign out.

    Students visiting the LMC during lunch recess must obtain a pass from their teacher in advance.

    Students sent to the LMC on a pass must be able to do their work independently if there is a scheduled class at that time.  If the Library Clerk is occupied with a class, students may be asked to return at a more convenient time.

    Maximum of 1 students per pass, up to 3 people from a class, at one time.


    1st grade:  1 book for 3 week
    2nd grade:  2 books for 3 weeks
    3rd - 6th grades: 3 books for 3 weeks
    Parents:  3 books for 3 weeks
    Staff: up to 50 items for 9 weeks

    Materials may be renewed one time if they are not reserved.

    Reference materials are for use in the LMC, and are not to be checked out.

    Overdue books must be returned before LMC privileges are reinstated.

    Students are taught how to care for library books, i.e. careful page turning, handling with clean hands and gentleness, and responsibility for it's location.  It is suggested to students that library books be kept in backpacks when not being read, protecting them from harm.  This rule of thumb also helps students know where their library book is at all times, and limits the number of lost library books.  Please be mindful of water bottles placed in backpacks, and always use the outside holders.

    There are no fines charged for overdue booksStudents are responsible for the books they check out. If a book is damaged or lost, the student will be asked to pay for the book. Until the book is paid for or returned, a student’s check out privileges are suspended.  Fines can be paid at .  No checks will be accepted.  The care of books helps maintain our library collection for all students.

    All library materials need to be returned to the LMC prior to withdrawing from CE. Withdrawing students need to sign out with the Library Clerk.

    Expectations for Student Behavior in LMCLIBRARIAN
    Library rules and behavior expectations for students will be introduced during the class’ first visit to the LMC of the school year, and re-iterated throughout the year.  

    Students are expected to treat library items, i.e. books, furniture, etc. with respect. 

    Students are expected to maintain a library atmosphere by entering the LMC quietly, and using whispering voices during their visit.  Younger grade levels are to enter the library in single file order, and take a seat on the storytime rug in rows of five.  Older grade levels are to enter the library in single file order, and be seated at the rectangle tables for any announcements, reminders, etc.

    Once students have made their book selection for check out, they may find their library card near the circulation desk and stand in a single file line for check-out.

    After check-out is complete, students may either take a seat at the rectangle tables or form a line at the exit door, depending on teacher preference.

    Accessing the Collection and Student Account from 好色导航
    Students and parents can access the Constitution collection from home by visiting , a web-based catalog search. In addition to checking the availability of books and creating lists, students and parents can review a student’s account, including due dates of books on loan, overdue materials, and holds.

    Internet Usage
    Computers are available for student use during regularly scheduled class visits as well as for students on passes. They may be used for assigned class work, research, and testing. Students and parents/guardians must read and understand the Internet and E-mail User Agreement and both must sign the Acknowledgements and Verifications form before students are allowed to use the computers. Computers are monitored and privileges can be cancelled for violations of this agreement. The District offers students space on the server to save school projects; however, students must provide their own USB drive to save files for use elsewhere.