• Principals of Eningeering 

    Course Description:

    Principals of Engineering Design (POE) is a continuation of Introduction to Engineering (IED). The major focus of this course is to expose students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a post-secondary engineering course of study. Students have an opportunity to investigate engineering and high-tech career. POE gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB) learning. They will be introduced to des subjects such as statics, simple machines, electricity, and Programming in a hands-on way. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities, and problem-solving skills based upon engineering concepts. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education. 



    Student Work