• Environmental Science                      

                                                                   Need help?  Send me a Canvas In Box message.
                                                                     or email me: lori.brookins@dvusd.org 

    Environment is important

    A daily schedule follows below:

    1. All students are required to log in to ZOOM at 6:00 pm until 8:45 pm for the week of January 19, 20, and 21st, 2021.
    **Students will report to Barry Goldwater High School campus beginning Monday, January 25th.**

    • Attendance will be taken
    • Complete a bellwork/discussion assignment
    • Receive a preview of the day's learning
    • Have an opportunity to ask questions

    2. Instructional time from 6:15pm until 8:30 pm

    • Students will be allowed to be off camera at the teacher's discretion
    • This will look different day-to-day
    • Sometimes it will be whole group learning, half of the class at a time, or individual tutoring time
    • Students are required to remain in scheduled ZOOM meetings to receive direct instruction

    3. All students are required to turn cameras back on in ZOOM from 8:30 - 8:45 pm

    • Complete the exit/discussion question

    Remember, completing your assignments during instructional hours ensures that you do not have homework! 

    The pacing of course work:

    • Students will meet daily with the teacher of record as outlined above
    • Students will not be permitted to work ahead
    • New content will be available daily
    • Course work is expected to be completed that day
    • There is no homework unless the daily coursework is not completed.
    • DVOLP Pathways Blended gradebook begins at a ZERO (0%) percent.  Students establish their final grade through participation and completion of all course work
    • Student active participation is expected throughout the enrollment period beginning January 19, 2021.

    The Pathways' attendance policy:

    • Students are allowed two (2) absences
    • On the third (3rd) absence, the student is subject to withdrawal
    • Students greater than 10 minutes late to class will be charged an absence
    • Students may opt to Appeal the withdrawal
      • The student will receive instructions of Appeal
      • The student will submit the Appeal information within 24 hours of receipt of Appeal instructions