• Class Expectiations

      1. Show up on time and ready to learn
      2. Bring your ipad every day, fully charged.
      3. Keep your phone at a distance so that you aren't tempted to use it. 
      4. When you read through assignments, make sure to go through all the directions.  If you have questions, ask the teacher.
      5. Double check your work before you submit it into Canvas.
      6. No food or drink in the classroom
      7. Show respect to your fellow classmakes. We will be discussing several contemporary issues in this class and it is imparative that you listen without being rude or disrespectful.

      I will be checking communication (email, Canvas) each while the course is in session as well as periodically outside of school hours. If I don't reply right away, I may be responding to another student, or grading completed assignments. Please be patient as I try to keep communication open.

      If you have issues with technology, use this link to create a helpdesk ticket: