
    Music Class Rules

    SOAR & Music Class Expectations 
    1. Be on time for class - No mess around in halls or restrooms.
    2. Come into class quietly.
    3. Sit in an assigned seat.
    4. Be prepared -bring your pencil.
    5. Participate in class activities including singing, playing, and listening.
    6. Use the correct posture when it is time to sing or play music.
    7. Be responsible for your instruments and music.
    8. Play a respectful sound on your instrument. NO LOUD OBNOXIOUS NOISES. 
    9. Be quiet and listen when it is the teacher’s or another student’s turn to speak. 
    10. Help out! Put things in the proper place when you are done using them.
    11. Treat others nicely how you would want to be treated, including the teacher.
    12. Do not leave class without permission or until you are excused.
    13. Have a good attitude.?


    1. Verbal Warning 
    2. Cool time. Write on the red behavior notebook.

    3. Send to Buddy's room and complete the SOAR reflection.

    4. Write a referral and contact parents.
    5. Repeat offenders will schedule a meeting with the administrator, behavior coach, and parents.

    BoysTown's social expectations at our school.

    Image result for boys town

    The Boys Town Education Model®

    is a school-based intervention strategy that focuses on managing behavior, building relationships, and teaching social skills. It emphasizes preventive and proactive practices rather than reactive responses to deal with student behavior.

    Based on the Boys Town Model,® the Boys Town Education Model® puts Boys Town’s research-proven child-care methods to work in a variety of educational settings. Its gives classroom teachers, administrators and support staff the tools to implement key Model components:

    • A curriculum of specific life skills taught as expectations in the classroom
    • Teaching methods that support the life skills curriculum – specific ways to teach the life skills to students
    • Administrative intervention – a method for dealing with students who are referred to the office from the classroom because of disruptive behavior
    • Focus on student competencies – creating a positive classroom environment by encouraging teachers to see the value of developing a positive relationship with each student and praising students’ positive behaviors and successes

    These components are part of a complete system-wide approach to creating and encouraging respectful staff-student relationships by changing the way schools address student behavior.

    For more information about Boys Town