Phone: 623-445-4918


Degrees and Certifications:

BA, Arizona State University Secondary Education and Business Education

Mrs. Debby Kidwell

Hello Students, Parents, & Guardians:

I am excited about working with students who are both full time or part time to learn about business, marketing, and employability.  Just like many students who attend Aspire online, I have a full-time day position too.  I work with curriculum, assessment, and instruction for all the Career & Technical Education programs in DVUSD. I teach Marketing 1 & Marketing 2 with Aspire in the evenings and on weekends. But, please know that I keep your learning and success as a top priority.  I am a marketing fanatic at heart, respect the vast array of business models that create success, enjoy serving people, find pride in learning myself, and LOVE to see people succeed.    

My background includes 11 years with Barry Goldwater High School teaching two levels of Marketing, two levels of Web Development, running a busy student-based enterprise, and advising a nationally recognized DECA Chapter.  Prior to working in education, I owned a small business. And before owning my own business, I was a Corporate Director of Marketing and National Sales Manager for several large and growing hotel organizations. While I'm from a small town in Ohio, I've lived in five states, traveled to several countries for business and pleasure, and have a family that is so large you need a wall map to connect all the dots.   

Please email me if you would like to meet by Zoom or in person. I remain flexible in serving the needs of students and their parents/guardians.  

At Your Service,

Mrs. Debby Kidwell




Last Modified on September 24, 2023