• All classwork and homework should be completed in a timely manner.  好色导航work/practice may receive a (?) for completion or marked as late or missing work in the PowerSchool grade book. Late work may be accepted until the end of the current unit of study. 
    • Students may not opt-out of assignments, projects, or assessments.  Any missing projects or assessments may receive a score of 0% or 50% with a missing tag.  Students will schedule time with the teacher to take any missed assessments before or after school.  If not turned in the score will remain at 50%.
    • Students may have the opportunity to retake assessments at the teacher’s discretion. 
    • Extra credit is not given; it is not an effective way to show mastery of standards.
    • A score of 50% will be recorded if a student earns less than a 50% on an assessment or graded assignment.

    **After careful consideration and in alignment with the developmental needs of our students and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 好色导航has determined that the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT,  are not suitable for students in grades K-8 (under 13 years of age) and will not be utilized or endorsed in academic contexts.

    Missing Work

    An assignment is considered as missing work when it is not submitted by the due date. 

    Missing work will be treated as such:

    • The assignment will be marked with the “Missing” special code in the gradebook

    • No Evidence (NE) will be entered for the standards attached to the assignment

    • If the work is submitted as Late Work the 50% will be changed to reflect the student’s actual score with no deductions or penalties.

    If the work is not submitted as Late Work or does not meet conditions for Late Work, the score for the assignment will be a 50%, dependent upon the school’s processes, by the end of the term.

    Late Work

    An assignment is considered late work when the assignment is not submitted by the due date that was established, but is submitted within the parameters listed.

    If a student meets the criteria, he/she will be issued full credit for the work submitted (no added penalties or caps on the grade that can be earned).  The teacher will mark the student’s assignment with the “Late” special code. If the assignment is an assessment, the proficiency level of the standards attached will be entered.

    In order for Late Work to be accepted, students must meet the following parameters:

    • Assignment is not due within the class period

    • Assignment is not a timed activity (such as a Quick-Write Essay)

    • Assignment is turned in within 5 school days of the end of the instructional unit


    • Retakes are allowed for assessments in which scores are entered into the gradebook, for full credit, if reperformance opportunities will not be available during the marking period or in addition to reperformance opportunities during the marking period.  

    • Once a student has met the criterion for reassessment, the new score will not be capped or penalized.  

    • Retakes can be in another format.  

    • For Retakes - the original score is replaced, if the new score is higher.

    For Reperformance - the original score may be replaced, if it is higher (PLC team or school decision)

    To earn a retake opportunity, a student must complete all of the following:

    • Complete all formative coursework related to the content/skill assessed

    • Consult with the teacher

    • Submit a reassessment plan or application, if required by the teacher

    A  reassessment plan must be scheduled within 10 school days after receiving the assessment score.

    Extra Credit 

    No extra credit will be given. No student will be allowed to earn more than 100% of the points/percentage possible on any assignment or assessment.

    Grade Scales 

    Deer Valley Unified School District will employ two grade scales (except Kindergarten) to calculate grades using a traditional averaging calculation method.  

    One grade scale will be used to mark student proficiency of the standards.

    One grade scale will be used to calculate the overall course grade.

    Students will receive marks for their proficiency toward the grade level standards using the following scale. All gradebook entries in the "Assessment" category will have at least one standard tagged and scored.  Gradebook entries in the "Coursework" or "Practice" categories can also have standards tagged and scored. 


    4 = Highly Proficient

    3 = Proficient

    2 = Partially Proficient

    1 = Minimally Proficient

    NE = No Evidence