

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Burnam

My name is Miss. Burnam and I am so excited to be your student's science and social studies teacher for the 2024-2025 school year! This will be my sixth year of teaching! I received a secondary education degree with an emphasis in general science from Northern Arizona University in May of 2019! I am so excited about this year because it will be filled with hands-on activities and celebrations of learning. I am a firm believer that all students have the ability to learn and will hold all of them to high expectations in my class. I strive to give my students love, grace, lots of patience, and consistency every day. In my classroom, my goal is that all students know I care, value, and believe in them. 

I am the mommy of a fur baby named Charlie! He is 9 years old and my family and I rescued him when he was only 10 months old. Everyone who meets Charlie immediately thinks he is a sweet, adorable puppy, but do not be fooled. Charlie is a grumpy old man! 

I believe parents, students, and their teachers are all a team! If you ever have a question, comment, or concern, then please do not hesitate to contact me via email at

  • My Favorite Quote:

    "Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people,

    A heart that forgives the worst, 

    A mind that forgets the bad, 

    And a soul that never loses faith in God."

  • My Favorites:

    • School Subjects: Math and Science 
    • Candy: Pink and Purple Nerds 
    • Drink: Dr. Pepper 
    • Movie: Jurassic Park 
    • Song: Good Lord by David Leonard 
    • Restaurant: Olive Garden 
    • Sports: Volleyball and Softball 
    • Hobbies: Listening to Music and Reading