• Robert Scavetta

    Room E-216                                                     Voice Mail 623-376-3166               

    WebPage:  dvusd.org/mrhs-scavetta                 eMail:  robert.scavetta@dvusd.org

    Class Text- Glencoe. Chemistry: Matter and Change:

    Honors Chemistry

    Course Description:

    This course will teach you useful information, both about Chemistry and the world around you, that you will use for the rest of your life. Be prepared to work very hard and have fun this year. This course is aligned with district, state, and national standards to support school-wide efforts in increasing student achievement.

    Course Objectives:

    By the time the student completes this course of study, the student will know or be able to:

    • Have enhanced study and test taking skills.
    • Have an increased appreciation of the world around us.
    • Have developed critical thinking skills.
    • Be prepared for college level courses in science

    In addition to the course objectives listed above, the following College and Career Ready Anchor Standards for Writing are also embedded;

    Standard 1- Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

    Standard 2- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

    Standard 9- Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

    Classroom Expectations:

    In addition to strictly following the 好色导航"Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, I expect the following to occur in my classroom:

    1. Be There – It is important that you are in class regularly and on time. Not only should you physically be in class but also mentally. Students should take advantage of time with the instructor to pay attention and ask questions as needed. Make sure you come prepared for class with supplies and assignments done such as notes, reading, pre-lab etc. If you are not prepared for class you may not be able to participate in the activity that day which will impact your success in class.

    2. Choose your attitude – You have no control over the things that other people do. You only have control over your reactions. Make a conscious effort to have a positive attitude. It is not always easy but if you are aware that only you can control your mood every day can be a great day.

    3. No food or drinks in the classroom – We might be using substances that may contaminate what you put in your mouth. This is for your own health and safety.

    4. Listen and participate- A lot of the learning for this class takes place when I am talking with you or you are collaborating in your groups! So, please be sure to truly and actively listen and when appropriate, participate.

    5. Don’t procrastinate- If you put your work off it will continue to build up and will one day become overwhelming. Save your time and do it on time.

    6. Get Additional Help (tutoring) ASAP: In addition to the Academic Prep times built into our schedule each week, additional assistance/tutoring is provided on a weekly basis both by MRHS and individually by me. My weekly availability will be posted in the classroom at the start of each week. I will demonstrate to the students how to find availability each week. I also encourage your son/daughter to write down my availability each week in their planner so that you too are aware of my weekly availability.

     Classroom Rules and Consequences:                                     

    1. Follow directions the first time                                                 
    2. Respect others and their property                                            
    3. Use appropriate language                                                          
    4. Be on time and prepared for class                                        
    5. Be an active learner

    Consequences Steps:

    1. Communication with Student, Reteach
    2. Communication with Student, Reteach, and communications with Parent(s)
    3. Communication witgh Student, Reteach, communication with Parent(s), referral to Administration

    Laboratory Rules:

    • Correct lab procedure will be explained before each lab and students must follow the lab safety rules reviewed at the start of the semester.
    • Breakage policy: see attached paper.
    • Horseplay will not be tolerated. Students will be asked to leave the lab and will not receive credit.
    • No food, drinks, or candy are allowed in the classroom. Only CLEAR water bottles with CLEAR water will be allowed.
    • ABSOLUTELY NO HATS IN THE CLASSROOM. Hats will be confiscated if students wear them in class.
    • No Cell Phones or ear buds - must be turned off and placed in backpacks.


    If a student is caught cheating both students will receive a one in the grade book and a referral. If a student talks during a test for any reason to any student, both students will receive a one and a referral. Sharing answers on class work (unless it is a group activity) is also cheating and both students will receive a one and a referral. Students have a chance to retake assessments they were cheating on (see Test Retake Policy below) .

    Grade Book Weighting: (District Wide)

    • 80% Assessment
    • 20% Coursework

    Grading Scale: (District Wide)

    • 100% - 90%
    • 89% - 80%
    • 79% - 70%
    • 69% - 60%
    • 59% - 0%

    ** There is no extra credit at MRHS **

    Report Cards:

    In an effort to conserve resources and harness the capacity of our electronic grade reporting program (PowerSchool) district schools will no longer print hard copies of report cards unless requested by individual parents. To request a hard copy of your student’s report card, please contact the front office at 623-376-3000. To receive your PowerSchool login, please stop into the office with a valid photo ID.

    Power School Online Access:

    Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your Power School access code. Access codes are available in the Counseling Office or Front Desk Monday – Friday 7:00 AM– 3:30 PM. You may check student progress regularly on the PowerSchool site using the same login for one or more students. For Mountain Ridge parents/guardians without home computer access, a computer with guest log-in capability is available in the Counseling Conference Room.

    Academic Assistance/Office Hours:

    In addition to the Academic Prep times built into our schedule each week, additional assistance/tutoring is provided on a weekly basis both by MRHS and individually by instructors. These office hours will be posted in my classroom, website, and/or Canvas at the start of each week. I will demonstrate to the students how to find my availability each week.

    Make-up Policy:

    After an absence, a student has one school day for each day missed to make up work/tests, regardless of the number of days absent. If many days were missed, please schedule an appointment with me to formulate a plan for the completion of make-up work. Make-up work for extended absences (over 3 days) may be requested through the Counseling Office and picked up there. If a student absence is during an assessment, it is the Students responsibility to schedule the time to take the assessment.

    Late Work Collection:

    好色导航work is due at 7:30am but students may receive full credit for a homework assignment by writing out the assignment on notebook paper and turning in the assignment to the teacher’s late work bin as instructed. A student cannot print out their completed assignment, it must be hand written and turned in by the end of the unit of study. If homework is late more than 3 times, the student will need to attend ACA-Prep to do the homework assignment.

    Late Assignments Policy:

    In order for Late Work to be accepted, students must meet the following parameters:

    • Assignment is not due within the class period
    • Assignment is not a timed activity (such as a Quick-Write Essay)
    • Assignment is not a Long-Term assignment (over multiple weeks)
    • Assignment is turned in by the end of the instructional unit

    Classwork Policy:

    In-class assignments may be due by the end of the class period. We will spend time on a daily basis working in small groups or individually on assignments. THIS IS NOT FREE TIME. When you are in this class you need to be working, if you are reminded repetitively about staying on task you will receive a zero for the assignment you are supposed to be working on.

    Test and Quizzes:

    Tests will always be announced at least 2 days prior and we will have periodic objective quizzes (not always announced) that cover concepts taught during the week. The objective quizzes are to assess essential concepts needed to be successful. This is not a class to fall behind in and these quizzes are to keep students on track. Any student not prepared for the objective quiz will need to see their instructor prior to this assessment. Objective quizzes will be included in the “Assessment” category.

    Test Retake - Assessment only:

    The student completes another assessment of the same learning targets. The assessment to be retaken may be in the same format or a different format and will be at the same difficulty level. The higher of the two scores will be entered in the gradebook.

    To earn a retake opportunity, a student must complete all of the following:

    • Initiate and consult with the teacher within 5 school days of initial test grade posting
    • Submit a reassessment plan, date of retake
    • All coursework must be submitted
    • Must attend ACA-Prep
    • Must receive 85% on pre-test evaluation

    AI Statement

    In Deer Valley Unified School District, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education while ensuring their safety, privacy, and well-being. As part

    of our ongoing efforts to enhance learning experiences, we may incorporate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom for students. However, it is important to approach this technology with caution and adhere to responsible data privacy practices.

    好色导航has determined that the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as Chat-GPT, is prohibited (considered cheating) unless clearly specified by your teacher. Specific guidelines will be provided in the assignment details. If you are unsure if the tool or website you are using is an LLM or if it is permitted on a specific assignment, please contact your teacher before submitting your work.

    Daily Device Use (iPads)

    Students should come to school with their iPads updated with the most current iOS, charged and ready to use in each class every day. Devices may not be used to record or take photos of other people without their consent. Consequences for classroom disruptions and misuse of devices will follow a progressive discipline model, beginning with a phone call home and progressing to office referrals for repeated or more serious offenses. See the Student Rights and Responsibilities consequence chart in the handbook for more specific descriptions of infractions and consequences.

    Math/Science Calculator Policy: Regarding use on h/w, tests, final exam

    A scientific calculator will be used frequently in this chemistry course. If a student does not have a scientific calculator, they are welcome to use the class set of calculators; with the understanding they are responsible for any damages and/or the calculator must be returned at the end of the class period. ONLY the class set of calculators may be used on quizzes, tests and exams; no personal calculators. Cell phones may not be substituted for calculators during class work.

    MRHS Laboratory Breakage Policy:

    The Mountain Ridge Science Department has a policy regarding the damage or breakage of laboratory equipment. In the event a student breaks any laboratory materials, that student will be responsible for paying the replacement cost of each item. A complete list of all laboratory materials and their costs are posted in each classroom. The students are taught proper procedures and laboratory etiquette to ensure the safety of our students during lab activities. This policy helps hold the students accountable for their actions and reinforces careful laboratory procedures.