• Quarter 1 - Am I being kind and helpful in this moment?

    Week 1: My day depends on me.

    • Applying E.Q. skills to our learning and our life.

    Week 2: Are my thoughts helping or hurting me?

    • Learning the power of our thoughts.

    Week 3: I am always communicating through my body language.

    • Understanding non-verbal communication.

    Week 4: I show up positively for myself and the people around me.

    • Being aware of how we show up in class, both mentally and physically.

    Week 5: I am kind to the people I am with right now!

    • Recognizing exclusion and learning how to be an inclusive team player.

    Week 6: I am willing to introduce myself and get to know new people.

    • Conversation skills, handshakes, and small talk.

    Week 7: I don't trade what I want most for what I want now.

    • Understanding delayed gratification and self-discipline.

    Week 8: I am a productive team member.

    • Managing and participating in groups successfully.

    Week 9: I don't brag because I am happy with myself.

    • Learning self-approval and humility.