• Course Content for 7th Grade Math

    Quarter 1

    Unit 1: Scale Drawings

    Unit 2: Introducing Proportional Relationships

    Unit 3:  Measuring Circles

    Quarter 2

    Unit 3: Measuring Circles

    Unit 4: Proportional Relationships/Percentages

    Unit 5: Rational Number Arithmetic

    Quarter 3

    Unit 5: Rational Number Arithmetic

    Unit 6: Expressions, Equations, Inequalities

    Quarter 4

    Unit 7: Angles, Triangles, and Prisms

    Unit 8: Probability and Sampling

    Unit 9: Putting it All Together


    Office Hours are by appointment only. Please see the teacher before or after class to set up a time.

    Retakes are available if a student has completed the work associated with the assessment prior to the test date. Retakes may not be done during regularly scheduled math class. 

    Late Work will not be accepted after 2 weeks from the assignment grade date.