Classroom Rules

Expectations- Handbook

  • All classroom expectations will be outlined in the student handbook and in the classroom constitution created on the second day of school.


    Handbook expectations are as followed:

    Preparation for class:

    Students will:

    • Attend class daily.
    • Be in class on time with Chromebooks fully charged.
    • Use technology appropriately as identified by the teacher.
    • Make good use of class time by being focused on the lesson.
    • Bring all necessary materials to class.
    • Come to class with assignments prepared.
    • Make sure they understand teacher’s expectations for upcoming classes.
    • Ask questions about anything they do not fully understand.
    • Be actively involved as they prepare assignments for class.
    • Formulate questions they might have about the material.
    • Be respectful of the teacher and fellow students.
    • Take responsibility for carrying out his/her particular assignment in a collaborative situation,
      where applicable.
    • Cell phones will be off, stored in a backpack and stored underneath the desk.

    Major Assessments:

    Students will:

    • Come prepared and put forth best efforts.
    • Read and follow directions carefully.
    • Rely on their own preparation as they take the test; make an honest effort.

    Assignments/Minor Assessments

    Students will:

    • Be good time managers; be realistic about the workload and plan ahead.
    • Read and follow directions carefully.
    • Seek only appropriate help from others.
    • Give full and proper credit to sources.

    Dress Code

    • Clothing must cover the entire torso including buttocks. Shirts and tops may not expose bare
      midriffs, bare shoulders, nor be deeply or narrowly cut in the front, back, or under the arms.
      Halter tops, spaghetti straps, and strapless tops are not acceptable. Clothing that exposes
      undergarments will not be tolerated for males or females.
    • Bare feet are never acceptable. In the interest of safety, shoes must be worn at all times. Closed
      shoes are to be worn for any type of physical activity, such as physical education, cheer
      practice, weight lifting, etc.
    • Jewelry or ornamentation shall not be worn if it presents a safety hazard to self and/or others.
    • Please remove hats upon entering buildings/classrooms. Approved occupational safety
      headgear may be required for special classes.
    • Defamatory writing, obscene or inappropriate language or symbols, or symbols of drugs, sex,
      pornography, tobacco/smoking or alcohol on clothing or jewelry are expressly prohibited.
    • Tattoos displaying defamatory writing, obscene language or symbols, or symbols of drugs, sex,
      or alcohol must be covered.
    • In addition, head coverings or items such as, but not limited to, bandanas, dew rags or hair
      nets, that may cause a disruption to the educational environment due to determined or implied
      affiliations may not be worn or visible while on school grounds.

    Always display AIR

    A= Accountability

    I= Integrity

    R= Respect