• Parents, Sign Up For Canvas Alerts!

    I will send these out frequently for missing assignments, upcoming events,

    tests retakes, and reminders about class activities.


    Canvas LMS | Office of Information Technology | SMU


    1. Log in to dvusd.instructure.com using your students log-in. This should be the website and not the app.
    2. In the upper right click on the icon that says account when hovered over  
    3. Click Settings – You may need to log in again with the same log on
    4. On the far right, add email addresses or cell phone numbers. I will not be able to access this information, only Canvas will use it to send notifications.
    5. On the far left, click Notifications 
    6. Canvas can go a little overboard with these, so to avoid alert fatigue I recommend you turn them all to X Do not send me anything expect for these items:
      • Submission Comment – This will tell you when I leave feedback on your students’ work.
      • Added To Conversation & Conversation Message – This will let you know when I send a message about missing work or updates to your student.
      • Announcement – Will let you know if an announcement is posted in the class, this is usually about test re-takes or make-ups.
      • Grades – This will tell you something was graded and gives you the option of also sending the score for the assignment.
  • Canvas Link: