• Classroom Expectations

    As 6th grade classes, we will brainstorm together during the first week of school our classroom expectations. This will include how we respect each other, how we foster an environment of learning, and become better human beings. We will also discuss the consequences of good and bad actions. Once we have made our classroom expectations and our rules for each other, they will be updated here.

    Classroom Expectations

    The Pirate Way & PBIS Rewards

    Please help us to encourage your child to follow our school-wide behavior expectations: 


    Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, and Be Kind 


    The matrix below is posted across campus, and it is the responsibility of all students to follow each location-specific expectation.   During the first two weeks of school, students will be taught the expectations at each location.

    Students demonstrating these positive behaviors, both in and out of their classrooms, will enjoy earning points using our PBIS Rewards program. Points can be spent on tangible items and social incentives in our NC School Store.


    Discipline Process: Minor & Major 

    To ensure our school is safe, positive, and productive for all learners, a process is in place to address behaviors that do not meet the expectations above. The information below will be shared with students. Please help us implement our schoolwide discipline processes by talking to your child about minor and major behaviors. If you have any questions, contact your child’s teacher.