

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Ashton Johnson

My name is Ashton Johnson and I am new to the Special Education world and have a passion for this field, as my own kiddo has a disability.

I previously worked in public policy, where I collaborated with local government entities, elected officials, and nonprofit organizations to coordinate discussions around various policy issues that affect the state of Arizona. Additionally, I served on the Virginia Interagency Coordinating Council board under Governor Glenn Youngkin to discuss early childhood development policy issues in the state of Virginia. I have worked as a Care Manager, where I advocated for aging individuals and/or individuals with disabilities, and also served in the nonprofit housing industry, where I assisted future homebuyers and advocated for homeowners in jeopardy of losing their homes.

Lastly, I am proud to have traveled to Ghana to help women through a nonprofit called Kimoyo, where I served as a board member in Roanoke, Virginia. I am a proud Virginia native and I am excited to continue my career in Arizona.

My Dog