• 7th Grade Mathematics

    Syllabus 2024-2025

    Teacher: Mr. Kindler 

    Email: john.kindler@dvusd.org 

    Phone: 623-376-5072

    Makeup Tests/Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:30-4:15 pm or By Appointment 

    About This Class 


    This year’s math content is taken from OpenUp Resources. You can view student resources from the websites below.


    7th Grade


    OpenUp is broken up into the following units.   We will be learning about the following: scale drawings, proportional relationships, measuring circles, proportional relationships/percentages, rational number arithmetic, expressions, equations, inequalities, rational number arithmetic, angles, triangles, prisms, probability, and sampling.

    Students will also be given accounts to two software programs - Zearn and Magma Math.  Students will be required to complete work in each of these programs as well as in OpenUp.  Students will need headphones every day.

    Class Expectations and Rules 

    • Respect yourself, others, and the classroom - No Bullying 
    • Be prepared at the beginning of every class and follow directions 
    • No talking during when I or another person is addressing the class
    • No getting out of seat when I or another person is addressing the class
    • No gum, food, drinks other than water, and cell phones/electronics in the classroom (unless stated otherwise) 
    • Backpacks and water bottles must be left under your chair or desk at all times 

    Attendance/Absent Policy 

    One of the best ways to be successful in this class is to be present! If you are absent, it is your job to check the whiteboard for the weekly schedule and Canvas if assigned. You are responsible for retrieving notes, turning in assignments, and scheduling quiz/test make-ups.  Unless scheduled otherwise, all make-up quizzes and tests will be after school.

    Grading Policies 

    It is your responsibility to keep up with the coursework. If you are missing an assessment or any coursework, it will be entered as a zero and marked as missing in the gradebook until you turn it in. If an assessment or any coursework has not been turned in by one week prior to the end of the grading period, then the score will have a final grade of 49%. 

    Late work will be accepted for full credit up to 5 days after the end of an instructional unit or as discussed with the teacher. 

    If you score less than a 50% on an assessment or any coursework, the score will be recorded as a 50% with the actual score noted in the comments. 

    You have the opportunity to show mastery on unit assessments (except for District exams). Reassessments must be done within 10 school days of receiving original score and follow reassessment requirements. 


    Grade Breakdown

    Coursework - 20% 

    Assessments - 80%

    Extra Credit will not be offered.

    Materials - Students should bring these items the first week of school.

    The following will be kept in the math classroom for students to use.

    • One 1 inch 3-ring binder - (No binders over 1 inch)

    • Graph Paper and Sheet Protectors (Small Packs)

    • Compass

    • Ruler and Protractor


    The following items will be used in math and for other classes as well.

    • Pencils, pens, highlighters, colored pencils
    • Basic calculator (TI30 XIIS or similar) 
    • Personal wired headphones  
    • Scissors

    Optional supplies that will be used by all students: hand sanitizer, 1 container disinfecting wipes, 1 box tissues

    Academic Integrity 

    To be college-, career-, and community-ready, students in the Deer Valley Unified School District are expected to demonstrate academic integrity. Academic integrity is all about being honest and fair in your schoolwork. It means doing work that is entirely your own and giving credit to others (including generative Artificial Intelligence tools) through proper citation when you use their ideas or words.


    Changes may be made to this syllabus as needed during the year.

     *Sign and return this page by Friday, August 9 


    I have read, understood, and will adhere to all of the information given in the course syllabus. 

    Student printed name _____________________________________________ 


    Student signature _____________________________________________ 


    Date __________________ 


    My student and I have read and understood the course syllabus.


    Parent signature _____________________________________________ 


    Date __________________


    Parent Contact Email _____________________________________________


    Parent Phone _____________________________________________