• 2024/25 Mustang Chorus Events Calendar

    Amazing Chorus Families and Vocalists; please add this list of dates to your calendar!

    1. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8/8/24 - 10/1/24 - Daybreak Chorus mandatory before school rehearsals. Please bring your required choir binders.
    2. Monday, August 12 - Honor Choir Audition Conservatory Begins (3:45 - 4:45 PM) In Chorus Room After School. Students must have transportation home or be able to walk home after. (no bus availability)
    3. Friday, September 27th - National Anthem with the Arizona Diamondbacks, 4:30 Call Time at Chase field, Please wear your new West Wing Music shirt (details to come), shorts or pants, close toed shoes. (Optional event with an individual ticket and parent attending, highly encouraged)
    4. Monday, September 30th - (Just Added) Mountain Ridge High School Feeder Concert, Time TBA (All Alta Voce Middle School Singers)
    5. Wednesday, October 2nd - Fall Middle School Chorus Assessment, During the school day, all middle school chorus members will travel to Barry Gold Water High School for our annual Fall Choral Festival. (Attire is mandatory: New Mustang Chorus Polo (details to come), Black dress pants with black socks and belt or ankle length black skirt and black tights, all black shoes, long hair pulled back in a bun, braid, or ponytail. ($10 lunch for celebration following event, look for the form coming home in September) [mandatory and graded for MS]
    6. Wednesday, October 2nd - Fall Chorus Concert (Mandatory and Graded for All Students), We will have our concert split into three different sections this year. We have these split more because they have fortunately grown quite large and we want you to see your students shine!
      1. (1) Daybreak [call time 5:45, concert 6 PM],
      2. (2) 5th Grade: Cantus Novus, and 6th Grade: Cantus Vivo [call time 6:15, concert 6:30 PM]
      3. (3) Middle School: Alta Voce and Music Tech. [call time 6:45, concert 7 PM]
        1. (Attire is mandatory: New Mustang Chorus Polo (MS), New WW Music Shirt (3-6) (details to come), Black dress pants with black socks and belt or ankle length black skirt and black tights, all black shoes, long hair pulled back in a bun, braid, or ponytail.
    7. Tuesdays 10/15/24 - 5/13/25 - Daybreak Chorus mandatory before school rehearsals. Please bring your required choir binders. (no more Thursdays from this point on)
    8. Friday, November 8th - Projected Veteran’s Day Assembly (Times TBA: 9:15 AM most likely). This will be a Daybreak only performance of the Star Spangled Banner and an additional piece. Parent audience is highly encouraged. (See concert attire above)
    9. Wednesday, November 13 - 好色导航Honor Choir (Sandra Day O’Connor High School) Selected students auditioned from our regular Monday honor choir sessions.
    10. Tuesday, December 3 - Winter Holiday Concert/Caroling. (Please stay tuned we may be modifying this event into a new and really fun tradition for our school) This is definitely the date though and we will begin at 6 PM. Please reference the attire from our October 2nd Concert. (This is a mandatory and graded event)
    11. Saturday, February 22 - Optional Meetup and Watch event at the Boulder Creek High School Showdown in the Desert Show Choir Championship. This is not mandatory and all attending must purchase a ticket and attend with a parent. I’ll send out links late this year. I would love to bring this style of choir permanently to West Wing but I want all students to get a taste for it first. In fact our Spring Semester will be highly dependent on this style for our Spring Concert.
    12. Wednesday, March 12 Spring Middle School Chorus Assessment, During the school day, all middle school chorus members will travel to Barry Gold Water High School for our annual Spring Choral Festival. (Attire is mandatory: New Mustang Chorus Polo (details to come), Black dress pants with black socks and belt or ankle length black skirt and black tights, all black shoes, long hair pulled back in a bun, braid, or ponytail. ($10 lunch for celebration following event, look for the form coming home in September) [mandatory and graded for MS]
    13. Spring Los Angeles/Universal Studios Trip (Middle School and Auditioned 6th and 5th Grade Students) - More details and dates to come ASAP we are busy finalizing which competition we will be attending via Forum Festivals. Look for intent forms soon!
    14. Wednesday, May 14 - Spring Finale Concert. 
      1. (1) Daybreak [call time 5:45, concert 6 PM],
      2. (2) 5th Grade: Cantus Novus, and 6th Grade: Cantus Vivo [call time 6:15, concert 6:30 PM]
      3. (3) Middle School: Alta Voce/Honors Show Set and Music Tech [call time 6:45, concert 7 PM]
        1. (Attire is mandatory: New Mustang Chorus Polo (MS), New WW Music Shirt (3-6) (details to come), Black dress pants with black socks and belt or ankle length black skirt and black tights, all black shoes, long hair pulled back in a bun, braid, or ponytail. Costuming may be involved for choirs as well.
    15. May 2025, Cantus Novus and Cantus Vivo - Main Event Retreat. (TBA)