• Middle School Read 180

    Read 180 has three components: teacher guided workshops, software, and independent reading.


    The teacher guided workshop takes place with a mixture of whole group and small group lessons. The workshop we are currently on is called Stand Up. It is about human rights and global issues. You can encourage your student by discussing the topics they learn in class. 


    Students spend part of their Read 180 time each week working on software. The software is set to a comprehension level to match their current data (RIT score, ASA score, and DIBELS score). The students have the ability to select the Segment/Topic they work on within the software. Students are more likely to be successful if they are interested in what they are reading about. Within the software, students read passages, answer comprehension questions, learn vocabulary terms, and complete a writing piece. 

    Independent Reading

    Students select books based on their lexile level (reading level). They are given a variety of books to choose from. They must choose from this list for a couple of reasons. First, it must be at an appropriate level. Second, it needs to have an accompanying quiz to confirm students comprehend the text. 


    Students will receive grades based on responses to in-class workshop lessons, software segment scores, and independent reading quizzes. 


    I do not assign homework for Read 180. It is suggested that students read for 15–20 minutes a night. This can be their independent reading book from Read 180 or another book of their choosing.