• Mr. Dawson Caldwell (Mr. C)

    Welcome and Hello! This is going to be my first year teaching, but I am a fourth-generation teacher in my family. I am so beyond excited to take part in teaching Math and Science this year, especially in Renaissance! I did my student teaching here with Mrs. Hansen and have grown to love this school, the kids, and the culture!

    I grew up in Missouri. I lived there for around 10 years, but due to my dad's job, our whole family moved to England for about three years, and I have been in Arizona for eight years. I graduated from GCU (Go Lopes!) with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Eduaction and a minor in Psychology, and I have many years of experience working with children of all ages.

    I enjoy being able to play just about any sport I can. I have been obsessed with pickleball for the past year, as well as sand volleyball. I played rugby and soccer for a long time while in England and still love each of those sports! I look forward to the weekend by going and exploring and camping with some friends if I am not playing pickleball or volleyball. 

    My big emphasis is making sure that the students understand this is a process. The best learners fail and try again. I want to encourage a more hands-on environment and push for excellence in effort. My goal is to make students "Knowledge-Abled" not "Knowledgeable." These students deserve to learn how to learn and explore with their knowledge. I am so blessed and excited to start this year off, be a part of this team, and make some amazing connections. I'm ready to work hard this year for you and your kids!