• PTSA   
    This is what the PTSA contributed to Canyon Springs

    · Purchased 10 iPad Minis

    · Purchased Physical Education equipment

    · Purchased musical instruments for the Band program

    · Purchased supplies and decorations for the 8th grade promotion ceremony

    · Purchased equipment and supplies for the Nurse’s office

    · Provided lunch for the Canyon Springs staff during Staff Appreciation Week and conference weeks

    · Issued the funds for teacher mini-grants to purchase materials to enrich classroom curriculum

    · Issued the funds for the 好色导航 Astronomical Society to participate in Science Night

    · Organized and sponsored various Family Events: Restaurant Spirit Nights, Bingo Night, Movie Nights, Box Tops Collections, Carnival, and Apex Fun Run

    · Held a food drive during Bingo Night with items given to a local food bank

    · Gave 10% of total collected monies from the Apex Fun Run directly back to classroom teachers to be used toward classroom enrichment materials

    In previous years, PTSA has also funded:

    - New Smartboards and replacement technology to update those already in use on campus

    - Science materials to be used in the science lab, as well as, amongst grade levels

    - Outdoor canopy for the PE department

    - Literature sets

    - A portable sound system

    Thank you for all of your help and support!!