• Welcome Back, Computer Science Enthusiasts!

    Dear Students,

    Welcome back to the exhilarating world of Computer Science! As we embark on this new academic year, I am thrilled to reconnect with all of you and to meet new faces eager to dive into the realms of programming and problem-solving. In our time together, we will explore the magic of algorithms, the elegance of coding languages, and the limitless potential of technology. Get ready for a journey that will challenge your minds, spark your creativity, and prepare you to become the tech pioneers of tomorrow. As your guide and mentor, I am here to support and inspire you every step of the way. Let's embrace the joy of coding and, together, craft a future where innovation knows no bounds.

    Classes taught - AP Computer Science Principles(Javascript), AP CSA (JAVA), Cybersecurity 1 - Networking Fundamentals

    Let's make this year a transformative adventure in the world of 1s and 0s! If you need any information on this class, don't hesitate to email me at sini.thomas@dvusd.org.


    Thank you!