

    Welcome to Quarter 1 at Diamond Canyon!
    On this page you will find updates and information about our class.
     Please be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page.

    We are looking forward to a wonderful year in first grade!

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    Our first week:
                    Thursday - Day 1:  PE                 
    Friday -  Day 2:  Music
      Upcoming Events: 
    Tuesday, July 30th 4:00-5:30 - Meet the Teacher
    Thursday, August 1sty - First Day of School
    Thursday, August 22nd - Curriculum Night
  •  wish list  

    Please see the first grade supplies list on the Diamond Canyon website.

    We would be thrilled to receive items from our ! 

    Thank you for your generosity!

    star of the week
    Emerson's Energy